Week 4 Post #2

 Microlearning, Challenges, and Badges

Last semester I took EME 5608 with Dr. Burner. We had the opportunity to form groups and create a module about a specific instructional strategy. Our team chose Microlearning. I loved learning more about Microlearning and its benefits. I enjoyed reading Dr. Dennen's article about Microlearning this week. I hadn't really connected Microlearning with the badges and challenges for this class. It makes so much sense! I enjoyed reading the research results about microlearning and how it can reduce cognitive load and help learners feel like they have greater control over their own learning. It is also important to note that microlearning is not only effective in immediate application, but students also demonstrate mastery on delayed post-tests. The internet and various social media tools have really opened up the options for microlearning. The best part is that designing for microlearning isn't that different than designing for regular instruction. It's just on a smaller scale. Probably most of you have already created some type of microlearning as part of your classes in this program. It really is a cool strategy and I love seeing it play out in this class. The challenges provide microlearning activities relevant to our class. I appreciate the use of these challenges to help me learn various features of different online tools. I think it has been very effective so far for me!

Dennen, V. P., Arslan, Ö., & Bong, J. (2024). Optional embedded microlearning challenges: Promoting self-directed learning and extension in a higher education courseLinks to an external site.. Educational Technology & Society, 27(1), 166-182. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202401_27(1).SP04


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