Week 6 Post #3


Maybe it is because we reached the halfway point in the class or maybe it is because my cap and gown came in the mail today, but I am feeling a little burnout and sudden lack of motivation. I'm trying to push through and finish the semester strong, but I feel my feet dragging. I think I need to dig around for some challenges to motivate me to get going again. I am trying to figure out how to let myself have a break once a while. I am working two jobs, finishing up this program, and taking care of my family. Life is busy! I always feel guilty when I take any time to slow down and I feel like I can never give less than 100% in all these areas. Not to mention extra curricular activities, working out, social life, etc. I am trying to find a balance and I think maybe this week I need to step back a little and take a breather. It's hard though because I love this class and all the things I am learning! I have to admit that I have never heard of most of these web 2.0 learning tools. I have already learned so much this semester and I don't want to miss a thing! Anyone else struggling with burnout? What are your strategies for balance? Share with me!


  1. Congratulations on the upcoming graduation! That is very exciting! I think what you are feeling is pretty normal. There is a lot of information in this class and, like you, I think it is all good information so I don't want to skim or skip any of it. I found myself thinking about school things 7 days a week so I started giving myself one day a week where I wasn't "allowed" to do anything for school and that way I couldn't feel guilty about it. Maybe that is something you could try? Good luck! You are almost there!

    1. That is a great idea, Kelly! I used to do this more when I first started school. I think I'll bring this back for the last few weeks of class!

  2. OMG! Congratulations on being on your final semester. You are almost at the finish and will finish strong. As I am also in my final semester, I understand the feeling of the lack of motivation. This course has been very different from any other course I have taken, and it has been a great experience learning about the new tools. As far as burnout, I motivate myself by looking at my cap and gown to remind myself that I have no choice but to finish. Try to do small things at a time and pace yourself because we got this and will graduate soon.

    1. Thanks, Kenia. Congratulations to you as well! We are almost there! I love the idea to look at your cap and gown. That is good motivation! :)

  3. I'm also in my final semester & can completely relate to almost everything you're saying--congrats on making it to this point! I'm learning a ton in this class but I'm also having a bit more trouble focusing than usual, in large part because I can feel that I'm so close to the end. I keep thinking that proximity will sharpen my focus--any day now!

    1. Any day now! We are almost there. :) Congratulations to you as well!

  4. I'll echo everyone else's sentiments- congrats!! In fact, congrats to every one of you graduating this semester. You should be so proud of this accomplishment. I think taking time to slow down, enjoy where you are, and soak up these last few weeks of school is wonderful. Maybe you can even make yourself a "note" of articles you want to read and tools you want to explore at a later date. Fortunately, you don't have to do it all now!

    1. That is a really excellent idea! There is so much great information in this class. I don't want to miss it. Thanks for the advice!

  5. Congratulations, Lotta! I am also graduating and planning to walk at the ceremony. We should meet up! Kenia and William are you attending the commencement ceremony??

    Lotta, this blog is VERY relatable. Life is a lot... and doing grad school in addition to working, managing a household and family, and still keeping up with friends is A LOT. Hang in there, we can do it!

    1. We can totally do it! I hope I see you at graduation! P.S. My real name is Sharla :)


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