Week 6 Post #1


I've been thinking about our new project assignment for our class and what I want to start "collecting" to share online. It makes me think about my brother. Every few days he sends a collection of memes that he has accumulated from his social media sites to our family chat. They come in a big bundle of 10-15 memes at a time. It is quite enjoyable to scroll through them and then reshare the ones with a few close friends that I find particularly funny. This really makes me think about content sharing and property uses. People share memes all the time without giving any kind of attribution. We take screenshots on our phone and text it out or share it in various forms. I have been thinking about what I want to pursue for my collection and how to make sure I provide the proper attribution. I was thinking about how we see this all the time. How often do we see articles that say "The ten best meals for summer" or "Five Places to Visit This Year". These are collections. When you open the article you see that each item is listed with some information and then usually a link to another/original website. I feel like a lot of content isn't necessarily licensed. Is sharing the original website enough of an attribution?


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