Week 9 Post #3


This may or may not be my last blog post for this class. Technically, I can end after this week because of Dr. Dennen's generosity with tokens and two free weeks. If I don't make it back here again, I just want to say that this has been a great experience. I was definitely groaning when I first found out that we had to write a blog post three times per week in this class. I have to admit now that I have actually enjoyed writing out my thoughts each week. It has really helped me process some of the things we are learning. More importantly, I have learned so much from reading my classmates' blogs! I love reading the perspective of others and seeing things in a fresh view. It is also interesting to see what speaks to each of us. All of us have to write 3 posts a week, and yet I rarely see the same information or thoughts. That is why these types of learning situations are so valuable! It is wonderful to learn from others and broaden our own horizons. I am so grateful I took this class. It has given me a fresh perspective on social media. I have to say that I have been feeling a bit jaded by social media in the last few years. I hear so many stories of bullying and I see young people constantly glued to their phones. It was great to see the flip side of social media and how beneficial it can be when used in the right way! I was recently offered a job as an instructional designer for a company that creates custom designs for clients. I can't wait to take this new knowledge with me. I have so many ideas of how to incorporate web 2.0 learning. I appreciate all of you, and especially Dr. Dennen.  I suppose this is me signing off. :) 

P.S. If you want to connect with me on LinkedIn my real name is Sharla Nielson. I'd love to connect with you! 


  1. Hi Lotta!
    I love how you described your experience with this course, and I'm glad you took away some helpful ideas to use as an instructional designer. Also, thanks for reminding me about the token lol because I sort of forgot about them. I planned to use them in case I needed to submit things late, but I have been doing my best to get things done before 11:59pm. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and the insights you've shared with the class, so thank you. Have a great rest of the semester!

  2. I agree with your post 100%. This class is so different from any other class I have taken. I especially appreciate how the philosophy is so closely linked with the practicality. That rarely happens in a class! I think I found you on Linkedin. I hope we can stay connected!

    1. I agree with you all! This class is so unique; I hope I have the ability to incorporate some of the fundamentals in future courses as an adjunct!

  3. The tokens are wonderful! Last week was also my last blog posting week; however, I missed it so I've decided to visit everyone else's blog this week to still feel connected!

  4. Congratulations on your job offer! I also plan on incorporating elements from this course into my future career. Your reflection on blogging and seeing the "good" side of social media resonated with me. I definitely struggled with blogging at first and used up Dr. Dennen's free passes very early on in the semester, haha.

  5. Congratulations on your new job! I hope to see you around online~


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