Week 2 Post #1

 I am sitting here staring at the blank page thinking about what to write. I am trying to approach this blog in a way that it will be beneficial for me, but I can't help worrying that I must be boring my poor classmates who choose to pop in and read a post here and there. I used to really enjoy writing, but I haven't written anything 'just because' for a very long time. I used to write more letters to family and friends, which felt like a blog of sorts. However, I don't do that as much anymore either. Times are busy and I find myself just barely getting done what I need to get done each day! I do find that writing down my thoughts helps me process them more. I am hoping that is the case with this blog. 

I am looking forward to starting an Instagram account this week. Most of my friends love Instagram and are always encouraging me to join. They keep telling me how their feed is curated for them and their interests. I have to admit that they do send me a lot of hilarious videos (reels?) from Instagram. I just haven't had much time or desire to set up my own account. I am looking forward to learning more about how this platform works. Especially the part about creating a private account. That seems like something I can get behind!


  1. I have been using Instagram since college and I really enjoy it overall! I personally do not post much there anymore, but I like seeing all of my friends stuff, as well as a few celebrities I follow. The best of it is the search page, which just have random reels and posts for you to explore, based on your interests. You have to be careful with it though, because if you click on something, you will start to get more posts about it. Mine is usually filled with Taylor Swift, but I looked at one Bluey post one time, and then was spammed wtih Bluey posts for a week straight! I can't wait to read a blog post about your Instagram explorations!

  2. Ha! That is awesome, Jen. I'm glad you enjoy Instagram so much. The algorithms they use are fascinating. My friend is such a huge Bluey fan. She is always trying to get me to watch it. Are you a fan now after your Instagram exposure? :)


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